4 Easy Ways on How to Avoid Copyright Music on Instagram

7 min readMay 14, 2024


Music can significantly enhance the impact of your Instagram posts, making them more engaging and enjoyable for your audience. However, using copyrighted music without permission can lead to serious consequences, including removal of your posts or even account suspension. In this article, we will guide you on how to avoid copyright music on Instagram, ensuring your content remains compliant with Instagram’s policies and regulations.

how to avoid copyright music on Instagram
how to avoid copyright music on Instagram

Section 1: Understanding Copyright Laws

Copyright is a legal framework that protects creators’ original works, including music. When you use a song without obtaining the proper rights, you are infringing on the creator’s copyright. Instagram has strict policies regarding the use of copyrighted music. If you post a video with unauthorized music, you risk having your content muted, removed, or your account penalized. Understanding these laws and Instagram’s rules is the first step in avoiding copyright music on Instagram.

Read more: How to Check If a Song is Copyrighted Easily >>

Section 2: How Instagram Detects Copyright Infringement

Instagram uses automated systems to detect copyrighted music in users’ posts. These systems analyze the audio in your videos and match it against a database of copyrighted material. If Instagram detects that you are using copyrighted music, the consequences can vary. Possible actions include:

Muting your post while allowing the visual content to remain

Removing your Instagram post entirely

Ending your live stream abruptly

For live streams and stories, Instagram typically issues a warning before taking action. This warning will prompt you to change the music or risk having the content removed. To avoid copyright music on Instagram, it’s crucial to use music that is either licensed to you or falls under royalty-free categories.

Section 3: How to Avoid Copyright Music on Instagram in 3 Methods

1. Using Royalty-Free and Licensed Music

Royalty-free music is a great alternative to copyrighted music. This type of music can be used without the need to pay royalties or obtain permission from the copyright holder. There are numerous platforms where you can find high-quality royalty-free music, such as YouTube Audio Library, Epidemic Sound, and Free Music Archive. And several online platforms also provide royalty-free music suitable for Instagram posts. Websites like Bensound, Incompetech, and HookSounds offer a variety of genres and styles.

Additionally, you can opt for licensed music by purchasing the necessary rights. Many music licensing services offer affordable options for individuals and businesses. Using these resources helps you avoid copyright on Instagram music effectively.

If you can’t find the suitable licensed music in those above music websites or don’t want to buy them. There is also a powerful AI free music generator called Mubert which can make royalty free music in on click. Enter Mubert AI, a revolutionary platform that leverages artificial intelligence to simplify music creation. Mubert offers an array of AI-driven music tools that enable users to craft unique audio tracks while ensuring they remain royalty-free. This makes it an invaluable resource for those looking to avoid copyright issues on Instagram.

Mubert AI fosters a collaborative approach to music creation, making it accessible to both novices and professionals. With Mubert Render, users can design audio tracks tailored to their specific preferences, such as length, genre, and mood, providing an unmatched level of customization. Whether you need a soothing background tune or an energetic soundtrack, Mubert makes it possible. By using Mubert’s royalty-free music, you can enhance your Instagram posts without worrying about copyright infringement, allowing you to focus on what you do best: creating engaging content.

Here’s how to Produce Royalty Free Music by Mubert

Step 1: Visit the Mubert website and sign up for a free account. Click “Generate your track” button.

Step 2: Then you can enter a prompt or upload an image, such as “relax music for working.” Set the type and duration of the track. Next click “Generate track.”

Step 3: Wait a few seconds for your track to be created. Once it’s ready, listen to the output carefully. You can share or download your music track.

Note: You have to buy one of the plans to use the music without copyright after downloading the music track.

2. Alternatives to Copyrighted Music

Creating your own song/music or collaborating with local musicians can be an excellent but

challenging way to avoid copyright issues. By using original compositions, you have complete control over the music rights. Alternatively, Instagram’s built-in music library offers a vast selection of tracks that are safe to use. These tracks are pre-cleared for use on the platform, allowing you to add music to your Instagram posts without worrying about copyright infringement.

3. Ask Creators for Permission

Reaching out to your favorite artist for permission to use their track can be challenging, but it’s worth the effort if you really want to use their music in your post. The worst outcome is that they say “no,” but if they agree, you get a big “yes” and might even build a connection with the artist. This could be a win-win situation!

4. Give Credit to the Creators in Your Instagram Caption

If you can’t get in touch with the music creator, try giving them credit in your caption. While this won’t prevent Instagram’s automated system from flagging your post, it can help if you need to appeal a warning. For instance, if Instagram asks you to remove your content, showing that you credited the artist can demonstrate that you didn’t intend to claim the music as your own.

Section 4: Common Questions about How to Avoid Copyright Music on Instagram

  1. Does Instagram have its own copyrighted music?

Yes, Instagram offers its own library of copyrighted music that users can legally use in their Stories and Reels. This library includes a wide variety of songs that are pre-licensed for use on the platform, making it easy for users to add music to their content without worrying about copyright issues.

2. How to use copyrighted music on Instagram legally?

To use copyrighted music on Instagram legally, you can:

Obtain Permission or a License: Contact the copyright holder directly to get permission or purchase a license to use their music.

Use Instagram’s Music Library: Utilize the music tracks available in Instagram’s built-in library, which are pre-licensed for use in Stories and Reels.

Royalty-Free Music: Use music from royalty-free platforms where tracks are available for use without needing additional permissions.

3. How to boost copyrighted music on Instagram?

To boost your content that includes copyrighted music, you can:

Use Instagram’s Features: Incorporate music into Stories, Reels, or IGTV using Instagram’s music library to ensure the content is compliant with copyright rules.

Credit the Artist: Properly credit the artist in your caption or video description to acknowledge their work.

Engage with Your Audience: Encourage your followers to share and interact with your content to increase its reach.

Tag the Artist: Tagging the music artist or their official account can increase visibility and potentially lead to re-shares by the artist’s followers.

4. Can I use 30 seconds of copyrighted music on Instagram?

No, using any length of copyrighted music without permission can still lead to copyright issues. Instagram’s policies do not allow the use of copyrighted music without proper authorization, regardless of the length. It is essential to obtain the necessary rights or use music from Instagram’s pre-licensed library to avoid potential penalties.

5. Can you play music on Instagram Live?

Yes, you can play music on Instagram Live, but there are important considerations:

Rights to the Music: Ensure you have the necessary rights to the music you’re playing. Using royalty-free tracks or music you have licensed is safe.

Instagram’s Guidelines: Follow Instagram’s guidelines for music in live broadcasts. Instagram may mute or end your live stream if it detects unauthorized use of copyrighted music.

Use of Background Music: Playing music in the background that you have the right to use can enhance your live sessions while staying compliant with copyright laws.


So you may learn all about how to avoid copyright on Instagram. Adhering to copyright laws and Instagram’s policies is crucial for maintaining your account’s integrity and avoiding penalties. By using royalty-free music, obtaining proper licenses, and utilizing Instagram’s music library, or just use the amazing Mubert AI tool to make unique track, you can safely enhance your posts with music. Always remember to check for updates on Instagram’s music guidelines to stay compliant.

Do you have any tips or experiences with using music on Instagram? Share them with us in the comments! Follow my blog for more tips and updates on how to enhance your social media presence legally and effectively.

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I'm a iOS technological & AI tool writer who has 7-year-expenience of writing.