Best 7 Easy Ways to Create AI Royalty Free Music

12 min readFeb 8, 2024


In an era where digital content creation is king, the demand for accessible, high-quality music has never been higher. Enter the revolutionary world of AI royalty-free music, a domain where technology and creativity collide to offer an endless stream of musical possibilities. As we embark on this sonic journey, let’s explore everything baout how to create AI royalty-free music.

AI royalty-free music
AI royalty-free music

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Part 1. What is AI Royalty Free Music & Benefits of AI Music

AI royalty-free music is composed by artificial intelligence, allowing creators to use the music without the obligation to pay royalties, offering a cost-effective and flexible solution for adding high-quality music to various projects.

Cost-Effective Solutions for Creators and Businesses

One of the most compelling advantages of AI royalty-free music is its cost-effectiveness. Eliminating the need for expensive licensing fees or copyright concerns, AI music allows creators to allocate their resources more efficiently, focusing on enhancing their content.

Enhancing Creativity with Diverse Music Libraries

AI provides an unprecedented level of diversity in music creation, offering creators the ability to explore various musical landscapes without limitations. This not only enhances creativity but also allows for a more personalized auditory experience.

Speed and Efficiency in Music Production

The use of AI significantly accelerates the music production process. Creators can quickly generate and integrate music into their projects, ensuring their content remains dynamic and engaging without lengthy production timelines.

Part 2. 7 Easy Ways to Make AI Royalty-free Music

1. Mubert

Mubert is a cutting-edge AI music generator that revolutionizes how creators access and utilize music for their projects. Utilizing advanced algorithms and machine learning, Mubert generates unique, high-quality music tracks online that are free from copyright constraints, making it an ideal solution for content creators, filmmakers, advertisers, and anyone in need of bespoke music.

Key Features:

AI-Driven Music Generation: Mubert’s AI technology creates original music in real-time, ensuring each track is unique and tailored to specific preferences.

Royalty-Free Tracks: All music generated by Mubert is royalty-free, allowing users to incorporate tracks into their projects without worrying about licensing issues or additional costs.

Customization and Control: Mubert offers extensive customization options, enabling users to adjust elements like mood, intensity, and style.

Extensive Genre Selection: With a vast library of genres including electronic, ambient, hip-hop, lofi and classical, Mubert caters to diverse musical tastes and project requirements.

User-Friendly Interface: Mubert’s intuitive platform is designed for ease of use, allowing users to generate, preview, and download music tracks with just a few clicks.

Video & Steps to Create Royalty-Free AI Music from Text:

Step 1: Visit the Mubert website. Sign up for a free account to access Mubert’s basic features.

Step 2: Enter a prompt or upload an image. For example, type “relax lofi music.” Set the type and duration of the track.

Step 3: Click “Generate track”. Wait a few minutes for your track to be generated. Then share or download your finalized music track.


Mubert offers a flexible subscription model, with plans starting from $11.69/month for annual payment, providing unlimited access to personalized music tracks.


Users of Mubert have praised the platform for its simplicity and efficiency. The ability to generate high-quality, royalty-free music on demand has been highlighted as a significant advantage, saving both time and money. The customizable options allow for a tailored music experience, ensuring that the final product aligns with the user’s vision. Additionally, the continuous updates and expanding library of genres keep the platform fresh and relevant.

Read more: A Full Review about Mubert AI Music >>

2. Musicfy

Musicfy is an innovative free AI song cover generator designed to make creating royalty-free music simple and accessible for everyone. Leveraging cutting-edge AI technology, Musicfy allows users to generate unique and high-quality music tracks freely. Whether you’re a content creator, filmmaker, or musician, Musicfy offers a versatile and user-friendly solution for all your music creation projects.

Key Features:

Wide Range of Genres: From pop and rock to electronic and classical, Musicfy supports a broad spectrum of musical genres, allowing you to find the perfect track for any project.

Royalty-Free Music: All tracks generated on Musicfy are royalty-free, which means you can use them in your projects without worrying about copyright issues.

AI Song Cover: Musicfy allows users to create song cover with celebrity voices, anime ai voice or even Mr. President voices.

High-Quality Audio: Musicfy ensures that all generated tracks are of high-quality audio, suitable for professional use in YouTube videos, or TikTok.

Steps for Using Musicfy to Make Music Track Freely

Step 1: Go to the Musicfy website. And sign up for a free account to access Musicfy’s basic features and tools for creating music.

Step 2: Click “Text to music” feature, you can describe the music you want to generate. For instance, you can type “upbeat and energetic music for a workout video.”

Step 3: Click “Generate” to start the music creation process. Wait for a while, your music track will be ready. Once satisfied, you can share the generated music track directly.


Musicfy offers a free trial for users, about 15 generations in one month. But you can also choose a paid plan started from $9/month.


Musicfy has quickly gained a reputation as a reliable and user-friendly platform for creating royalty-free music. Its AI-driven technology stands out for its ability to generate high-quality, customizable tracks across a wide range of genres. Users appreciate the platform’s simplicity and the intuitive interface, which makes music creation accessible to both novices and experienced musicians.

Read more: A Truth & Honest Musicfy Review — Create Royalty Free AI Music >>

3. Junia AI Music Generator

The Junia AI Music Generator is an innovative tool designed for making royalty-free music effortlessly. Leveraging advanced AI technology, Junia offers a comprehensive platform for creators to generate unique, high-quality music tracks for free. Whether you’re a content creator or musician, Junia AI provides the tools necessary to produce professional-sounding music without the hassle of licensing issues. What’s more, Junia can be also used for generating song lyrics and writing articles, paragraphs and blogs, ect.

Key Features

  • AI-Powered Composition: Utilizes state-of-the-art AI to compose music that matches your specified style and mood.
  • Customizable Tracks: Allows users to set parameters such as genre, tempo, and instrumentation to create personalized music.
  • Royalty-Free Music: Ensures all generated tracks are royalty-free, removing the stress of copyright concerns.
  • High-Quality Output: Produces studio-grade music suitable for various applications, including videos, podcasts, and commercial projects.

Steps for Using Junia AI Music Generator to Create Music

Step 1: Visit the Junia AI website and sign up for a free account.

Step 2: Enter the text prompts for your music and set your preferences.

Step 3: Click the “Generate” button. The AI will process your inputs and create a unique music track. Then you can review and download the generated track.


Junia music generator is free to use. But they also offers monthly and yearly plans for users started from $22/month.


Junia AI Music Generator is highly regarded for its ease of use, allowing users to create customized, high-quality royalty-free music quickly. Users appreciate the studio-grade audio quality and the peace of mind from guaranteed royalty-free tracks. Overall, Junia AI is a powerful tool for effortless music creation. And Junia can also used for generating song lyrics or articles and bloggers.

4. is a revolutionary AI music generator that empowers content creators with the ability to produce bespoke AI royalty-free music. Its intuitive interface and advanced AI make music creation accessible to all, regardless of musical expertise.

Steps to Create AI Royalty-Free Music by

How to Create Music with Beatoven AI

Step 1: Visit the official website and create a free account. Click “New Track” and enter details like title, duration, and mood (e.g., upbeat, calm).

Step 2: Select a main genre (e.g., electronic, rock) and refine with a subgenre. Click “Next” and let create music based on your selections.

Step 3: Listen to the track and use editing tools to adjust instruments and mix.

Note: Free plans offer previews. Upgrade for downloads and various licensing options.

Pricing offers a tiered pricing structure, including a free tier with basic features and premium subscriptions starting at $6/month for enhanced capabilities.


Creators appreciate for its user-friendly design and the emotional depth of its AI-composed music, making it a go-to for projects needing a personalized touch.

5. Ecrett Music

Ecrett Music stands out in the AI royalty-free music space with its cinematic quality compositions. Designed for filmmakers and content creators, Ecrett Music uses AI to craft soundtracks that elevate any project.

Steps to Create AI Royalty-Free Music:

Step 1: Visit the Ecrett Music website and create an account. Select the genre, mood, or style for your project. Pick from various scenes or emotions to guide the AI.

Step 2: Click to generate music, and Ecrett Music’s AI will create a looped track based on your choices.

Step 3: Adjust instruments and arrangement if needed to better suit your vision.

Step 4: Download your finalized music and use it in your projects royalty-free, allowing for monetization on platforms like YouTube without copyright concerns.


Ecrett Music provides various subscription options, starting at $4.99/month, catering to different production needs with unlimited access to high-quality tracks.


Users commend Ecrett Music for its ability to produce emotionally resonant and cinematically rich music, enhancing the storytelling aspect of their projects.

6. Soundful

Soundful leads the way in AI music generation, providing content creators with an extensive library of royalty-free music. With Soundful, producing professional-quality music tracks tailored to your content is both simple and efficient. Its intuitive interface and advanced AI capabilities make it an indispensable tool for creators of all levels.

Steps to Make AI Music by Soundful:

Step 1: Go to Soundful website and select an AI music generator that matches your desired genre and experience level.

Step 2: Enter the parameters for your composition such as tempo, key, and genre.

Step 3: After entering your parameters, generate your music. AI music generators typically produce results quickly.

Step 4: Once satisfied with your composition, export it. Most AI music generators allow for MIDI file exports.


Soundful introduces a competitive pricing model, with plans starting from $59.99/year, offering 100 downloads per month and full customization capabilities.


The platform is praised for its diverse music options and the quality of its AI-generated compositions, marking it as an essential tool for creators looking to add a professional sound to their work.

7. Soundraw

Soundraw is a pioneering platform in the AI royalty-free music industry, enabling creators to design and produce music without any musical background. It offers unlimited possibilities to generate original music that perfectly aligns with any project’s theme.

Steps to Use Soundraw to Create Royalty-Free AI Music:

Step 1: Go to Soundraw and create your account. Select the relevant tags to generate music. Start with Mood to set the feelings your song should convey.

Step 2: Choose a theme to define the media or purpose of the song. Curated themes help you find the perfect match for your project. Adjust the length and tempo options at the top of the page.

Step 3: As you select tags, they appear at the top, and a song list is generated. Adjust tags as needed, and the song list will update accordingly. The song list will adapt based on your choices.


Soundraw offers a subscription model starting at $16.99/month, providing comprehensive access to its music generation features and an extensive library of sounds.


Customers highlight Soundraw’s intuitive interface and the originality of its AI compositions, applauding its capability to produce tracks that genuinely resonate with their creative projects.

Part 3. FAQs about AI Royalty-Free Music

  1. Is AI music copyright free?

Yes and no. AI-generated music can be copyright-free, especially if it’s designed to be royalty-free and offered through platforms that provide such music for public use. However, the situation varies depending on how the AI music is created.

If the AI composes original pieces without directly copying existing copyrighted works, those compositions can indeed be copyright-free or at least not infringe on existing copyrights. Users should always verify the terms of use provided by the AI music platform to ensure compliance with copyright laws.

2. How to make AI cover songs free?

Creating AI cover songs for free involves a few steps by Musicfy:

Step 1: Go to Musicfy AI music generator and create your account.

Step 2: Choose Convert Voice, and upload the audio to Musicfy. You can also past a YouTube link. Next, choose the voice from library, like Adele or Drake.

Step 3: Customize your settings from advanced settings. And click “Generate”. Wait a minute, a song cover will be created successfully.

3. Can you sell music made by AI?

Yes, you can sell music made by AI, but with certain caveats. The key factor is the copyright status of the AI-generated music. If you have created original music using AI tools and you own the rights to the compositions (or the platform grants you commercial rights), you can sell the music. It’s crucial to read and understand the terms and conditions of the AI music platform you’re using, as they will specify whether the music generated can be used for commercial purposes and if there are any royalties involved.

4. Does AI break copyright?

AI itself does not inherently break copyright laws, but the way it is used can potentially lead to copyright infringement. For example, if an AI is trained on copyrighted material without permission and produces similar works, this could be considered an infringement. The responsibility lies in how AI technologies are applied and the sources of data they are trained on. Developers and users must ensure that AI-generated content respects existing copyrights, either by generating truly original content or by using copyrighted materials in a way that falls under fair use or with proper licensing.


In the dynamic landscape of digital content creation, the advent of AI royalty-free music generators like Mubert, Musicfy or Junia are revolutionizing the way creators approach music production. These platforms offer an innovative solution to traditional copyright constraints, providing access to an endless stream of unique, customizable music. Now embrace the future of music with AI royalty-free music generators, and elevate your content to new heights of originality and expression.

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I'm a iOS technological & AI tool writer who has 7-year-expenience of writing.