Must-Try 7 AI Music Generators from Prompt

10 min readFeb 14, 2024


In the rapidly evolving landscape of digital music production, Artificial Intelligence (AI) music generators from prompts tand at the forefront of innovation, transforming the way music is created, customized, and experienced. These advanced tools are not just altering the mechanics of music production, but are also democratizing the art form, making it accessible to a wider audience than ever before. Now learn the top 7 AI music generators in this blog.

AI music generators from prompts
AI music generators from prompts

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Part 1. Why Do We Need the AI Music Generator from Prompt

The necessity for AI music generators from prompts stems from several compelling needs and opportunities within the music industry and beyond:

1.Enhanced Creativity: AI music generators provide a unique tool for artists, offering endless possibilities for musical exploration. By inputting simple prompts, musicians can receive instant, original compositions that can inspire new works or be integrated into their projects, pushing the boundaries of conventional creativity.

2. Accessibility to Music Production: Not everyone has the technical skills, musical training, or resources to produce music traditionally. AI music generators democratize the music creation process, allowing anyone make music without instrucments easily, regardless of their background in music theory or access to instruments and recording equipment.

3. Efficiency and Speed: In the fast-paced world of music production, time is often of the essence. AI music generators can quickly produce high-quality music on PC based on specific prompts, significantly speeding up the songwriting and composition process. This efficiency is invaluable for meeting tight deadlines in industries like film, video, and advertising, where custom music needs to be produced swiftly.

4. Experimentation and Learning: For budding musicians and seasoned professionals alike, AI music generators from prompt serve as powerful tools for experimentation and learning. They allow users to explore different genres, structures, and instrumentation, providing a practical understanding of music composition and the opportunity to refine one’s artistic style.

5. Overcoming Creative Blocks: Every artist faces creative blocks at some point. AI music generators can help overcome these hurdles by providing fresh musical ideas and perspectives generated from simple text prompts. This text to music technology can reinvigorate the creative process and inspire new directions in an artist’s work.

Part 2. Best 7 AI Music Generators from Prompt

Now let’s explore 7 fascinating AI music generators from prompts. Each platform offers unique functionalities tailored to diverse musical needs, from amateur explorations to professional compositions.

1. Mubert

Rate: 4.8/5

Mubert is an innovative free AI music generator from prompts that leverages advanced artificial intelligence algorithms to create original, royalty-free music tracks. Designed for accessibility, Mubert allows users of all backgrounds to quickly and effortlessly produce music tailored for YouTube videos, podcasts, live events, and more. With its intuitive and user-friendly interface, Mubert democratizes music composition, eliminating the need for technical skills or deep musical knowledge.

You can learn how to use generate AI music from prompts by Mubert in this video first:


  • Mubert provides all its tracks royalty-free. This is a significant advantage for creators looking to use their compositions in commercial projects without the hassle of copyright restrictions, like copyright free lofi music.
  • The AI algorithm behind Mubert is capable of producing music across a diverse array of genres, from electronic and hip-hop to classical.
  • Mubert, the free music making software, prides itself on the high quality of its music output and it’s fast speed output.
  • Users have the ability to customize AI-generated tracks to suit their specific needs. You can make music lasting for 25 mins.


  • Users rely on the AI’s understanding of their inputs, which may not always capture the creator’s full intent.

Read more: A Full Review about Mubert AI Music >>

2. Musicfy

Musicfy is a cutting-edge AI music generator from prompt that is transforming the landscape of music production. This innovative platform empowers artists, producers, and enthusiasts to create, manipulate, and produce AI-generated music for free with unprecedented ease and flexibility. By harnessing AI power, Musicfy streamlines the different types of music creation process, like rap music or electronic music, making music production as easy as a pie.


  • Musicfy leverages sophisticated AI algorithms to offer features like music production, vocal isolation, voice cloning, and instrumental creation.
  • Musicfy allows users to make excellent song cover with celebrity voices without copyright issues, like Obama, Drake, Juice WRLD and Taylor Swift, etc.
  • With Musicfy, creating music is faster than ever. Users can quickly generate pop songs to go viral, reducing the time traditionally required for composition and arrangement.
  • Musicfy provides a powerful suite of music production tools at a fraction of the cost of traditional studio equipment and software, which makes high-quality music production accessible to users.
  • Designed with both beginners and professionals in mind, Musicfy boasts an intuitive interface that simplifies complex processes.


  • Being an online platform, Musicfy requires a stable internet connection to function effectively. This dependency can be a limitation for users in areas with unreliable internet access.

Read more: [Tested] A Truth & Honest Musicfy Review >>

3. Junia

Junia, an innovative AI music generator, merges cutting-edge machine learning algorithms with musical artistry to produce unique music compositions across a broad spectrum of genres. From electronic to classical, Junia empowers users to transform text — from single words to full sentences — into meticulously crafted musical pieces that reflect a variety of styles and moods.


  • Junia’s ability to generate music across multiple genres like Pop, Rock, Jazz, and Classical makes it an exceptionally versatile tool for creators looking to explore different musical styles.
  • By employing advanced machine learning algorithms, Junia excels at crafting unique melodies that maintain the essence of the input text.
  • Junia is designed to be intuitive and accessible, making it easy for users to start creating music right away.
  • With Junia, music creation is not only accessible but also rapid.
  • Junia also allows users to generate song lyrics and writing blogs or articles with ease.


  • There’s a risk of becoming overly reliant on automated tools like Junia for musical creativity.
  • To fully leverage Junia’s capabilities, a basic understanding of how AI interprets text and musical elements can enhance the user experience.


AIVA stands at the intersection of AI and classical music composition, designed to serve both the artistic and commercial sectors. It uses deep learning to analyze classical music scores and generate compositions that can accompany films, games, and other media.


  • Capable of producing complex, emotionally resonant music suitable for professional use.
  • Continuously learns and improves based on new data and user feedback.
  • Provides users with the copyright of the AI-generated compositions, allowing for commercial use.


  • The advanced capabilities come with a steeper learning curve and potentially higher costs.
  • May require additional arrangement and production work to fully realize the potential of generated compositions.

5. Soundful

Soundful offers a streamlined approach to generating high-quality, royalty-free music for content creators. With an extensive library and customization options, it caters to those needing background music for videos, podcasts, and more.


  • Delivers professionally produced tracks that can be customized to fit specific project needs.
  • Simplifies the licensing process, ensuring users can easily use music in their commercial projects.
  • Offers an intuitive platform that balances ease of use with depth of customization.


  • While it covers a range of genres, the focus on background music might not suffice for projects requiring more prominent, feature-worthy compositions.
  • Subscription-based access might deter users looking for one-off music production solutions.

6. stands out in the realm of AI music generators by creating royalty-free music that isn’t just generated by algorithms but enhanced through collaboration with human composers. Unlike many of its competitors, focuses on producing unique background music that can be extensively customized to fit various creative needs.


  • Collaborates with renowned musicians to produce background scores that stand out from common stock music, ensuring each piece is one-of-a-kind.
  • Extensive customization options allow users to tailor music precisely to their project’s mood and style, enhancing the overall impact of their content.
  • Adherence to ethical standards in AI training and music production builds trust and ensures compliance with copyright laws.


  • The wide array of customization options and detailed text prompts may overwhelm beginners who are not yet familiar with music editing.
  • Primarily focuses on background music, which may not suit those looking for ready-to-use songs or tracks for other specific applications.
  • As an online platform, it requires a stable internet connection for accessing and using the music generation features effectively.

7. Boomy

Boomy democratizes music creation, allowing anyone to quickly generate and publish songs to major streaming platforms. It’s particularly appealing to users looking to enter the music industry with minimal effort.


  • Simplifies the song creation and distribution process, making music production and release accessible to all.
  • Enables users to maintain a significant portion of rights and royalties from their music.
  • No prior musical knowledge required, opening up opportunities for a broad user base.


  • The focus on rapid creation and distribution may sacrifice the depth and individuality some artists seek in their music.
  • Generated tracks might lack the complexity and refinement of professionally produced music, potentially limiting their appeal to certain audiences.

These AI music generators offer a glimpse into the future of music production, where technology not only complements but also elevates creative expression. Each platform has its unique strengths and challenges, catering to a wide spectrum of musical and commercial needs.

Part 3. FAQs about AI Music Generators from Prompts

  1. Can AI Music Generators Create Copyright-Free Music?
    Yes, AI music generators can create copyright-free music, like Mubert or Musicfy, but users should always check the terms of service and copyright guidelines of the platform used.
  2. How to create AI-generated music?

Let’s take Mubert as an example, here is how to easily use Mubert to create music from text prompts:

Step 1: Visit the Mubert website. And register for a free account to access basic music creation tools and sounds.

Step 2: In the track generation section, either enter a text prompt or upload an image that inspires you. Then choose the music type and duration.

Step 3: Click on “Generate track” to begin creating your music. Once your track is ready, listen to it carefully and decide if there’s anything you’d like to adjust.

3. How Do AI Music Generators from prompt Influence the Music Industry?

AI music generators from prompt are democratizing music production, making it more accessible and providing new tools for creativity and efficiency.

4. Are AI-Generated Songs Comparable to Human-Created Music?
While AI-generated songs can reach high levels of technical proficiency, the emotional depth and nuances of human-created music remain distinctive.

5. What Skills Are Needed to Use AI Music Generators Effectively?
Basic technical skills to navigate the software, along with a creative mindset, are essential. Understanding basic music theory can also enhance the use of these tools.

Part 4. Practical Tips for Maximizing Creativity with AI Music Generators

  • Start Small: Begin by experimenting with short pieces or specific components of a song, such as creating a unique chord progression or generating a melody for an existing lyric.
  • Embrace Experimentation: Use the AI tool to explore genres or styles you’re less familiar with. The results might inspire you in unexpected ways.
  • Collaborate with the AI: Think of the AI as a creative partner. Feed it interesting prompts and see how it interprets them. This collaborative approach can lead to innovative musical ideas.
  • Refine and Personalize: Use the raw output from the AI as a starting point, then add your personal touch by editing the lyrics, adjusting the melody, or incorporating live instruments.
  • Stay Informed: The field of AI music generation is rapidly evolving. Staying up-to-date with the latest developments can provide you with new tools and techniques to enhance your music production process.


AI music generators from prompts represent a significant leap forward in the way music is created, offering tools that enhance, rather than replace, the human creative process. As we continue to explore the possibilities these technologies offer, it’s clear that the fusion of AI and human creativity is just beginning to unfold. By embracing these tools, like Mubert or Musicfy, artists and producers can open up new avenues for innovation and expression in music.

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I'm a iOS technological & AI tool writer who has 7-year-expenience of writing.