How to Make Meditation Music in Easy Steps

6 min readJun 16, 2024


Meditation music has become an essential tool for many seeking relaxation and inner peace. Whether used in yoga classes, meditation sessions, or simply to unwind after a long day, the calming effects of meditation music are undeniable. Creating your own meditation music allows you to tailor the sounds to your specific preferences and needs, enhancing the overall experience. This blog will walk you through how to make meditation music with a step-by-step guide. So keep reading!

how to make meditation music
how to make meditation music

Part 1: What is Meditation Music

Meditation music is designed to facilitate deep relaxation, mindfulness, and a meditative state. Unlike other music genres, it is typically slow-paced, featuring soothing, repetitive sounds that help calm the mind and body. The primary goal is to create an environment that promotes tranquility and focus.

Different Types of Meditation Music

· Ambient Music: Uses gentle, sustained tones and minimalistic soundscapes.

· Nature Sounds: Incorporates sounds from the natural world, such as rain, ocean waves, or birdsong.

· Binaural Beats: Uses specific frequencies to induce brainwave states conducive to meditation.

· Instrumental Music: Features instruments like Tibetan singing bowls, flutes, and chimes.

Part 2: Essential Elements of Meditation Music

Instruments Commonly Used

Meditation music often includes traditional and modern instruments known for their soothing tones:

· Tibetan Singing Bowls: Produce rich, harmonic overtones that are deeply relaxing.

· Flutes: Provide a gentle, melodious backdrop.

· Chimes: Add light, ethereal sounds.

· Keyboards and Synthesizers: Create ambient soundscapes and layered effects.

Incorporating Nature Sounds

Nature sounds can enhance the calming effect of meditation music:

· Water Sounds: Like ocean waves, rivers, or rain, these sounds are naturally relaxing.

· Wind Sounds: Gentle breezes or rustling leaves can add a peaceful, airy quality.

· Birdsong: Provides a connection to nature and adds a layer of tranquility.

Use of Binaural Beats and Their Benefits

Binaural beats are auditory illusions perceived when two different pure-tone sine waves, both with frequencies lower than 1500 Hz, are presented to a listener dichotically (one through each ear). These can help:

· Induce relaxation and meditation: By using delta or theta waves.

· Improve focus and concentration: By using alpha or beta waves.

Part 3: How to Make Meditation Music in Step-by-step

1. Preparation for Creating Meditation Music

Setting Up Your Workspace

Creating meditation music requires a quiet, distraction-free environment where you can focus on your creativity:

· Soundproofing: Minimizes external noise interference.

· Comfortable Seating: Ensures you can work for extended periods without discomfort.

· Proper Lighting: Preferably soft, natural light to maintain a calm working environment.

Choosing the Right Software and Tools

There are various digital audio workstations (DAWs) and software that can help you create meditation music:

· Audacity: A free, open-source audio editing tool.

· FL Studio: Offers extensive features for music production.

· Ableton Live: Known for its versatility and real-time music creation capabilities.

Selecting the Appropriate Instruments and Sound Libraries

Investing in high-quality sound libraries and instruments is crucial:

· VST Plugins: Virtual instruments that provide a wide range of sounds.

· Sample Libraries: Pre-recorded sounds that can be layered and manipulated to create unique tracks.

· Physical Instruments: If you prefer a more hands-on approach, instruments like singing bowls or flutes can be recorded live.

2. Steps to Create Meditation Music

Step 1: Decide on the type and purpose of your meditation music.Outline the mood and instruments you want to use.

Step 2: Capture instrument sounds and nature sounds using a high-quality microphone. Ensure the recording environment is quiet to avoid unwanted noise.

Step 3: Combine different sounds to create a harmonious track. Use DAWs to layer and balance the various elements.

Step 4: Use software tools to refine and adjust your track. Edit out any imperfections and ensure smooth transitions.

Step 5: Apply reverb, delay, and other effects to enhance the atmosphere. Experiment with binaural beats to add depth.

Step 6: Export your track in the desired format. Test it in various environments to ensure it sounds good on different devices.

By following these steps, you can create your own meditation music that is not only soothing but also tailored to your specific needs and preferences. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced music producer, these guidelines will help you craft beautiful, calming soundscapes for relaxation and mindfulness.

Part 4: Advanced Techniques for Enhancing Meditation Music

Incorporating Ambient Sounds

Adding ambient sounds can enrich your meditation music:

· Field Recordings: Capture unique sounds from various environments like forests, beaches, or urban settings.

· Ambient Noise Generators: Use tools to create consistent background noise, such as white noise or pink noise, which can help mask distracting sounds.

Utilizing Effects and Plugins

Enhance your tracks with various audio effects:

· Reverb and Delay: Add depth and space to your music.

· EQ and Compression: Balance frequencies and maintain consistent volume levels.

· Modulation Effects: Use chorus, flanger, or phaser to add subtle movement to your sounds.

Part 5: How to Create Meditation Music Using AI Tool

AI tools like Mubert have revolutionized music creation, especially for meditation music, lofi music, phonk music, rap music and electronic music, etc. These platforms use advanced algorithms and machine learning to generate high-quality, royalty-free music tailored to specific needs. Mubert, in particular, offers a unique approach by allowing users to generate continuous, evolving soundscapes perfect for relaxation and meditation.

Benefits of Using Mubert AI Music Tool

· Efficiency: The free AI music generator can quickly create high-quality music, saving time for creators.

· Customization: Easily tailor music to fit specific moods, tempos, and styles.

· Easy to Use: The user-friendly creation platform is very easy to use, making them accessible to a wide range of users.

· Consistency: Produce consistent, high-quality soundscapes only by the feature of text to music and image to music.

· Innovation: Access to unique sounds and compositions that might be challenging to create manually.

Step-by-Step Guide to Using Mubert for Meditation Music

Step 1: Visit the Mubert website and sign up for an account to generate a track.

Step 2: Describe the mediation music track you want to generate. For example, you can choose options that reflect calm, relaxation, or ambient genres. And choose specific preferences such as tempo, mood, and duration.

Step 3: Click the “Generate track” button. Mubert will use AI to generate a unique piece based on your inputs. Listen to the generated track. Once satisfied with the track, download it for use in your meditation sessions, apps, or any other projects.

Note: you have to buy one of plans if you want to use the meditation track without trademark.

Part 6: Useful Tips for Creating a Relaxing Atmosphere with Music

Understanding the Psychology of Sound

The right sounds can significantly impact the listener’s mood and relaxation levels:

· Slow Tempos: Typically 60–80 BPM, which can help slow the heart rate and promote relaxation.

· Soft Dynamics: Gentle sounds are less likely to startle or distract.

· Harmonic Intervals: Use intervals like perfect fifths or octaves, which are generally more pleasing to the ear.

Balancing Volume and Panning

Ensure your music is soothing and well-balanced:

· Volume Control: Keep the volume at a comfortable level, avoiding sudden loudness.

· Panning Techniques: Distribute sounds across the stereo field to create a spacious feel.


Creating meditation music is a rewarding process that combines creativity with technical skills. By understanding the essential elements, preparing your workspace, and using the right tools, especially Mubert, you can produce high-quality, relaxing music that enhances meditation sessions. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced musician, exploring different techniques and tools can help you find the best approach to making meditation music. Start experimenting today and create your own unique soundscapes that promote peace and tranquility.

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I'm a iOS technological & AI tool writer who has 7-year-expenience of writing.